17 THE LIBRARY TABLE. [Under this heading it is intended to give, from time to time, short notices of books, or other publications concerning Essex, or which may treat of matters of special interest to us as a County Society. As the number of Essex books issuing from the press is very limited, and the books themselves are often of varied contents, it is not proposed to exclude any from notice in our pages on the plea that their principal subject-matter is outside the scope of the Club, our object being to call attention to publications which may serve in any way to illustrate the county, its history and inhabitants, in times past and present.—Ed.] " The Ancient Chapel, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, in the town of Epping . . . . &c."—By Benj. Winstone, F.C.S., F.G.S., F.R.M.S.; 4to. pp. 122 and Postscript, pp. 15. With maps, plans, transcripts of deeds, and other illustrations. London, 1885. [Printed for private circulation only.] This volume, which has been recently prepared by our member, Mr. Winstone, owes its origin to the desire to preserve in the durable guise of print the deeds and other documents belonging or relating to the Chapel of St. John at Epping. Mr. Winstone undertook to have these printed at his own cost, and extending his plan by the introduction of explanatory matter, by adding maps, plans, &c, the result is the handsome book before us. The bulk of the volume is necessarily occupied with details of the legal, ecclesiastical, and financial history of the building; but Mr. Winstone has interpolated amid his deeds and grants so many interesting scraps of information respecting the topography, archaeology, and history of the Epping district, that we are sure our readers will thank us for directing attention to the book. Among the plates are representations of "Epping Street" in former