24 A REPORT ON THE FLOWERING PLANTS R. drouetii, Schultz, in a dyke on the marshes near Walton Hall. R. baudotii, Godron. Pond near Mersea Strood, and dyke on marshes near Walton Hall. In addition to the above, the following localities for Batrachian Ranunculi have been given to me by the Rev. J. D. Gray :— R. circinatus, Sibthorp. Common in the Stour. R. peltatus, Fr. var. penicillatus. Millstream at Nayland. R. baudotii, Godron. Catawade-on-the-Stour. Var. confusus, Dovercourt. R. tricophyllus, Chaix. Millstream near Nayland. R. hederaceus, L. In a ditch at Braiswick, and has been found by Miss M. Gripper on Layer Heath, and at the edge of a pond at Walton-on-the-Naze. Eranthis hyemalis, Salisb. Occurred some years since on the Stour at Mistley in Essex, but I have not been able to visit the station recently. It also grows just over the border of the county, at Stoke in Suffolk. Papaver somniferum, L. Recorded by Rev. J. D. Gray at Clacton-on-sea. Corydalis lutea, DC. Occasionally found upon old walls in our district. Fumaria pallidiflora, Jordan. At Wrabness (1885). Lepidium draba, L. Found at the Hythe, Colchester, by Mons. Tempere, in 1877. Reseda lutea, L. Has been found at Lexden by Miss Folkard; it is probably a chance introduction. Silene Otites, Sm. On several walls in Colchester, but it was introduced by local lepidopterists, as food for their caterpillars. Stellaria media, With., var. neglecta. This form has been found in the High Woods near Colchester. Linum usitatissimum, L. Occurs plentifully in the railway cutting near Marks Tey, but the plant is no doubt an introduction.