GROWING IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF COLCHESTER. 25 Genista anglica, L. This plant has been found by Mr. W. H Harwood at West Donyland, and the observation has since been confirmed by myself. The locality was formerly a heath, and in all probability the plant was widely distributed in former times. The few patches of the Genista now remaining, with those of Eriophorum polystachyon mentioned below, are the last representatives of a more or less varied heath and bog flora which once flourished on the spot. G. anglica has also been found by Miss M. Gripper at Layer Breton Heath. Medicago sativa, L. Purple Medick is occasionally found in District 8; it is doubtless here, as in other parts of the county, an escape from cultivation. Lathyrus macrorrhizus, Wimmer. Previously unrecorded for this district, has been found at Birch by Miss M. Gripper. I have commenced collecting material for a list of Roses in my district, but will defer any remarks upon this very difficult genus until a later report. The following forms have been found in Essex by the Rev. J. D. Gray :— Rosa tomentosa, Sm. Ardleigh. R. rubiginosa, L. Boxted, frequently. R. lutetiana, Leman. Boxted. R. andegavensis, Bast. Great Horkesley. R. sphaerica, Gren. Great Horkesley, 1884 (Rev. E. F. Linton). R. verticillacantha, Merat. Great Horkesley, 1884 (Rev. E. F. Linton). R. collina, Jacq. Hedge by road leading from Colchester to Nayland. R. decipiens, Dumort. Great Horkesley. R. arvensis, Huds. Boxted. Poterium sanguisorba, L. I have found this on railway banks near Colchester. Fragaria vesca, L. The wild strawberry is a very common plant with us, occurring in almost all our woods. I am quite at a loss to explain how it came to be overlooked in this district by Gibson's co- workers.