28 A REPORT ON THE FLOWERING PLANTS Erythroea pulchella, Fries. Grows on the sand at Clacton. Cuscuta trifolii, Bab. This parasite is, I am sorry to say, as troublesome to our farmers as it is to those in other parts of the country, Calamintha acinos, Clairv. Found by myself at Blackheath, near West Donyland. Myosotis collina, Reich. So frequent in our neighbourhood that I am surprised at its having been overlooked by Gibson's correspondents. Primula. I have occasionally noticed a Primula very like P. elatior, Jacq., in or near the High Woods, Colchester; but as I only found one or two plants in one place, and single specimens in the others, I almost doubt whether they may not be varieties of P. vulgaris. Polygonum bistorta, L. Freely in damp meadows at Dedham. Euphorbia dulcis, L. I found this plant in 1875 at West Bergholt apparently quite wild, and well established. The fact was recorded at the time in the "Journal of Botany." Euphorbia esula, L. Has been found in a disused gravel-pit at Witham, by Mr. E. E. Turner. Alisma lanceolatum, With. Recorded as growing in the Stour, by Rev. J. D. Gray. Tamus communis, L. Frequently found throughout our neighbourhood, but was overlooked by Gibson's correspondents. Spiranthes autumnalis, Rich. Abundant at Berechurch, and there is reason to suppose that it is indigenous. Ophrys apifera, Huds. Found at Marks Tey, Walton-on-the Naze, and at Donyland. Narcissus pseudo-narcissus, L. Occurs at Great Bentley. Ornithogalum umbellatum, L. Found at Great Horkesley by Rev. J. D. Gray. Allium ursinum, L. Grows at West Bergholt very freely. Sparganium neglectum, Beeby. This newly recognised form has been found in Essex, near Nayland, by the Rev. J. D. Gray. I think it will very likely, when a search is made, be found elsewhere in this part of Essex, as it is abundant on the Stour. Potamogeton polygonifolius, Pourr. Occurs at Abberton.