30 A REPORT ON THE FLOWERING PLANTS Arabis perfoliata, Lamk. (Turritis glabra, Z.) Occasionally found at Lexden. Cardamine amara, L. Plentifully in the meadows on the banks of the Colne, near the Sheeppen Bridge. The only station in my district recorded by Gibson is Copford, several miles away. Lepidium ruderale, L. Abundant at the Hythe, Colchester, and at St. Osyth. L. latifolium, L. Grows luxuriantly at the Hythe, especially since in dredging the river much mud has been thrown up on to the banks. It also grows at Peldon. Dianthus armeria, L. Well established at Mersea. Saponaria officinalis, L. Still occurs at Alresford. Silene inflata, Sm. Although stated by Gibson to be common in all his districts, it is certainly far from common in mine. Althaea officinalis, L. I have lately found this on the sea- wall between Manningtree and Harwich. Trifolium maritimum, Huds. Recorded by Gibson as growing at Mersea, Harwich, Walton, etc.; I have also found it at Thorington. Lathyrus nissolia, L. Very interesting on account of its grass-like phyllodes. I have found it abundantly at Mersea and St. Osyth, as well at the stations mentioned by Gibson. Eryngium maritimum, L. I am happy to say that the Sea Holly still grows at Clacton and Mersea, and on other parts of the coast. I am afraid it is likely to be rapidly destroyed at Clacton, since that village has become a watering-place. When- ever I have visited Clacton, I have seen quantities torn up and lying about on the beach. Colchester was formerly celebrated for candied Eryngo-root, which was in high esteem as a remedy for coughs and colds. Morant states in his "History of Essex" (1748):— "To the Colchester oysters let me subjoin another thing which Colchester is celebrated for, viz., the excellent sweetmeat made of Eryngo-roots. They were first candied in this town about the beginning of this century by Robert Buxton, Apothecary; his appren- tice, Samuel Great, continued this business, and it hath ever since been carried on by the latter's posterity with universal liking and approbation."