JOHN NORDEN'S MAP OF ESSEX. 43 The large figures in the map denote the hundreds, which are thus classified :— It may be interesting to many of our readers, who have had no opportunity of consulting Norden's book, to have a few extracts, more particularly on matters relating to the natural productions of the county. Norden thus speaks of Essex generally :— " This shire is moste fatt, frutefull, and full of profitable thinges, exceding (as farr as I can finde) anie other shire, for the generall com'odeties, and the plentie Thowgh Suffolke be more highlie contended of some wherwith I am not yet acquaynted : But this shire seemeth to me to deserue the title of the englishe Goshen, the fattest of the Lande : comparable to Palestina, that flowed with milke and hunnye. But I cannot com'ende the healthfulnes of it: And espe- ciallie nere the sea coastes, Rochford, Denge, Tendering hundredes and other lowe places about the creekes, which gaue me a moste cruell quarterne feuer. But the manie and sweete com'odeties counteruayle the daunger. " It is to be noted how the perticuler comodeties are, as it were, quartered out, and possess seuerall places wthin the shire. " The hundreds of Rocheforde, Denge, Dansye, or Dansing, which lye on the sowth-easte of the shire, yelde milke, butter and cheese in admirable aboundance : in those partes are the great and huge cheeses made, wondred at for their massiue- ness and thicknes. They are made also in Tendringe hundred, wher are manie wickes or dayries. But in that hundred are also manie barren groundes. " Ther are in this shire some especiall groundes noted generallie in regarde of their fertilletie, by this comon Rime or Prouerbe : — " Lord Morleyes In Layr Marney pk In Wigboro Parcell of Peldo hall Baron Parke is frutefull and fatt; How feild is better than that; Copte hall is beste of them all ; Yet Hubble down : may wayre the crowne,