50 THE DEER OF EPPING FOREST. It. That every keper observe ther articles upon peyn of the forfeture of his offyce, and that upon dew examynacion and dew proof hadde byfore the lieutenant, Rydyng forester, Ranger, and Steward of the Swanymote, the sayd offender to be discharged of the exersyng of his sayd office tyll the Kyng's plesure be further knowyng. [Sic] It. Thees fee deer to be alowed as hereafter folowyth :— Fyrst, the Justices of the Forest. It. The Ranger. It. The Lieutenant. It. Every Keper. It. The Steward. It. My Lorde of Waltham.10 It. The Rydyng Foster. It. My Lady of Barkyng.10 It. The Freholders. [The last few lines of the manuscript have been reproduced by photo-zincography, from a tracing prepared by Mr. Harting.—Ed.] 10 The assignment of a fee deer to the Abbot of Waltham and the Abbess of Barking, shows that these regulations were framed prior to the dissolution of the monasteries in 1536.