PRIMAEVAL MAN IN THE VALLEY OF THE LEA. 127 "Palaeolithic Floor" at Stoke Newington, half finished and spoilt and broken implements are common. Sometimes an unfortu- nate blow from the punch has ruined the form of the point; at other Fig. 5.—Boring tool from Hanwell (one-half actual size). Fig. 6.—Boring tool from Little Thurrock (one-half actual size). times an awkward piece has been detached from the butt, and so spoilt the form of the base of the tool. In fig. 4, a butt end is shown on the left and a point on the right. In both instances an implement Fig. 7.—Massive "Wedge from Stoke Newington (one-half actual size). has been ruined by an unskilful stroke, perhaps aided by a flaw in the flint. The two pieces illustrated belong to different implements, and the direction of the blow which caused ruin is shown by the