184 PRELIMINARY LIST OF THE MICROSCOPIC FUNGI OF ESSEX — USTILAGINEI AND AECIDIOMYCETES. By M. C. COOKE, M.A.., LL.D., A.L.S. [This list has been prepared by Dr. Cooke mainly with the view to excite some interest in an almost unknown section of our county flora. Dr. Cooke writes :—"It is very imperfect, but it will sweep up the scattered notes and fragments." Beginners in the study of these beautiful and interesting plants will find coloured figures and descrip- tions of very many of the species recorded in the following list in Dr. Cooke's little book, "Rust, Smut, Mildew and Mould: an introduction to the study of Microscopic Fungi" (W. H. Allen and Co., 6s.) This book also contains directions for collecting, examining and preserving specimens.—Ed.] USTILAGINEI. Ustilago longissima, Tul. On Glyceria. Walthamstow. U. carbo, Tul. On Cereals. Common. U. salveii, B. and Br. On Dactylis. Epping. U. hypodytes, Fr. On Grass. Epping. Urocystis pompholygodes, Rab. On Ranunculus. Wal- thamstow. AECIDIOMYCETES. Uromyces ficariae, Lev. On Ficaria. Chingford. U. trifolii, D.C. On Clover. Chingford. U. Valerianae, Schum. On Valerian. East Essex. U. aviculare, D.C. On Polygonum aviculare. Loughton. U. rumicum, Fckl. On Docks. Chingford. U. scillarum, Grev. On Scilla nutans. Epping. Puccinia anemones. Pers. On Wood Anemone. Loughton. P. violarum, Link. On Violets. Audley End. P. moehringiae, Fckl. On Arenaria. Chingford. P. malvacearum, Corda. On Mallows. Epping. P. circoeae, Pers. On Circaea. Loughton. P. hydrocotyles (M), Cke. On Hydrocotyle. Epping Forest. P. acuminata, Fchl. On Galium saxatile. Monk's Wood. P. centaureae, D.C. On Centaurea. Monk's Wood. P. lapsanae, Fckl. On Lapsana. Loughton. P. obtegens, Tul. On Thistles. Walthamstow. P. menthae, Pers. On Mints. Epping Forest.