INDEX TO VOLUME I. Adder, Voracity of, 150. Alga, Essex, 166; New British (Vau- cheria) lately found near Maldon, 151. Apamea Ophiogramma at Brentwood, 206. Badgers in Essex, 114, 150; formerly at Maldon, 186; near Ilford, 186; near Epping, 183 ; in Essex Islands, 224. Balfour, Prof., Life Histories of Plants, 278. Barometers, Living, 40. Bats, A Colony of, 93 ; found in Dene- holes, 259. Beaumont, G. F., Well-section at Kelvedon, 189. Bees at Field Beans, 159, 207. Bembidium lunatum in Essex, 205. Benfleet, Cleptes nitidula at, 93. Bennett, F. J., On Chalk-wells, 260. Benson (Rev.), T., Notice of, 138; Herbarium of, 205. Bird Harmonies, 160, Bitter-cress, Gall on, 178. Book Notice, The Chapel of St. John at Epping, etc., 17. Boulders, Some Essex, 117; at Brent- wood, 186 ; at Roxwell, 82. Boulenger, G. A., Palmated Newt in Epping Forest, 8. Boulger, Prof. G. S., History of Botany in Essex, 277. Botany, History of, in Essex, 277. Bramble, Essex, 206. Brentwood, Apamea ophiogramma at, 206; Boulder at, 186; Notodonta trepida near, 113; Stauropus fagi near, 176. British Association, Manchester Meet- ing of, 197. British Urns, Early, near Nayland, Suffolk, and Wix, Essex, 35, 106. Buckhurst Hill, Dormouse at, 63. Catchpool, E., Curious Capture of an Eel, 196 ; Stoat's Larder, 187. Cecidomyia cardaminis, Gall on Bitter- cress, 178. Celts, Neolithic, at Felstead, 62. Chalk-wells, 260 ; in Buckinghamshire, 225. 254. Chaerocampa porcellus in Epping Forest, 113- Challis, F., Notes on Geology of Chelmsford, 16, 209. Chelmsford, Gravel Pits and Ancient Pottery near, 92 ; Notes on Geology of, 16, 209. Chingford, Ino statices at, 218 ; Sphinx convolvuli at, 218. Chipping Norton, Pits near, 265. Christy, Miller, Bats in Deneholes, 259. Christy, R. W., Bees at Field Beans, 159; Boulders and Pits with Ro- man (?) Deposits near Roxwell, 82 : Voracity of Adder, 150; Well-section at Roxwell, 150, 280. Clarke, Joseph, Notes on Saffron in connection with Town of Saffron Walden, 9. Cleptes nitidula (Chrysididae) at Ben- fleet, 93. Cooke, Dr. M. C, on Fungus Foray 1888, 221 ; Preliminary List of the Microscopic Fungi of Essex, 184. Colchester, Grasshopper Warbler near, 176 ; Great Snipe near, 189 ; Report on Flowering Plants of, 22, 116. Cole, W., and T. V. Holmes, Report on Denehole Explorations, 225. Coleoptera in Northey Island, 209. Cooper, Sidney, Ino statices and Sphinx convolvuli at Chingford, 218. Corder, H., Gravel-pits and Ancient Pottery at Chelmsford, 92. Council, Members of, for 1888, 279.