iv INDEX TO VOLUME I. Crouch, Walter, Havering and Neighbourhood, 144, 148 ; Number of Species of Mollusca in Beacontre Hundred, 176 ; on Tilbury Whale, 279. Dane-wort, or Dane's-blood, 150. Deer of Epping Forest, 46. Deer, Red, Herd of from Single Hind at Hatfield Broad Oak, 189. Deer-hunt on Railway, 280. Deneholes at Bexley, 187 ; Ancient, near Tilbury, 188; and Cesspools, 108; Bats found in, 259; Bones found in, 257 ; Club's Visit to, 203 ; Exploration of, 202; Exploration Fund, List of Subscribers to, 255 ; Elliott on, 223, 254 ; Fragments of Millstones in, 259; at Frinsbury, Kent, 108 : Herald Moth in, 203 ; Meldola on, 223; Photographs of, 223 ; Report on Exploration at Hangman's Wood (1884-1887), 223, 225-276. Dicycla oo at Grays, and in Epping Forest, 205. Dixon, H. N., Grimmia commutata in Essex, 206. Dormouse at Buckhurst Hill, 63. Earthquake Shock, Supposed, 277. Eel, Curious Capture of, 196. Elliott, F. W., on Pits near Burn- ham Beeches, 224. English, J. L., Badgers near Epping, 183 ; Entomological Notes, 109. Ensilage, or Preserving Grain in Pits, 266. Entomological Notes from an Old Pocket Book, 109. Epping, Badgers near, 183. Epping Forest, Chaerocampa porcellus in, 113 ; Deer of, 46; Dicycla oo in, 168 ; Entomology of, 109 ; Fires in, 168; Geological Sections at High Beach, 107 ; Larva of Harpipteryx scabrella in, 205 ; Lobophora viretata in, 113; New Fungi to, 219, 220; Palmated Newt in, 8 ; Ponds in, 206 ; Tree - frogs in, 159; Woodcock Nesting in, 166. Erratic Blocks at Orsett and White Notley, 8 ; at Roxwell, 82. Essex, Badgers in, 114, 150, 224; Bank-vole in, 196; Boulders in, 117, 186; Bramble, 206; Heronries in, 119, 142; Microscopic Fungi, Pre- liminary List of, 184; Morden's Map of, 159, 280; Norden's Map of, 41 ; Plants, 206; Plants observed by Rev. T. Benson, 139; Pre-historic Remains in, Proposed List of, 63 ; Ravens, A Plea for, 182 ; Ravens in, 142. "Essex Emerald" Moth, no, 204. Essex Field Club, Ordinary Meetings, 63, 94, 106, 146, 168, 203, 221, 223, 277, 279 ; Field Meetings—at British Museum, 106; at Havering-atte- Bower, 143; at Sudbury. 148; at Theydon Bois, 167 ; at Hangman's Wood, 203 ; Eighth Annual Crypto- gamic Meeting, 219 ; Exploration of Deneholes in Hangman's Wood, 202. Essex Field Club, "What is the Use of the," 180; "Past and future of the," 63. Eubolia cervinata at Grays, 205. Evans (Rev.), W. F., Roman or Ro- mano-British Remains at Felstead, 207. Felstead, List of Land and Fresh- water Mollusca of, 277; Neolithic Celts at, 62; Roman or Romano- British Remains at, 207. Fisher (Rev.), O., Subsidence at Lex- den, near Colchester, in 1862, 39. Fitch, E. A., Badgers formerly at Maldon, 186 ; Badgers in Essex, 114, 150, 224; Boulder at Brentwood, 186; Dicycla oo and Eubolia cervinata at Grays, 205 ; English and French Partridge and Pheasant Laying in Same Nest, 205 ; Essex Heronries, 142 ; Essex Gall-makers, Two New, 177 ; Fossil Nautilus from Maldon, 279; Golden Oriole at Purleigh, 113; Great Pipe-fish at Maldon, 114; Otters in Essex, 105; Osprey at Maldon, 45 ; Phorodesma smarag- daria, 204 ; Plants from Hangman's Wood, 203; Raven, 142; Reptilia, Notes on, 112; Sheldrake, 196; Sphinx- convolvuli at Maldon, 188; Urns at Purleigh, 279; Well-boring Specimens from Purleigh, 279 ; Wild Duck in Essex, 150. Flakes, Replaced, 83 ; and "Cores,'' 86.