vi INDEX TO VOLUME I. Maldon, New British Alga, at, 151 ; Badgers formerly at, 186; Fossil Nautilus at, 279 , Great Pipe-fish at, 114 ; Osprey at, 45 ; Section at, 149 ; Sphinx convolvuli at, 188. Meldola, Prof. R., on Explorations of the Deneholes, 223; on Life- histories of Plants, 278; Man- chester Meeting of the British Association, 197; Modes of Con- cealment of Mollusca, 175. Melilotus arvensis at Walthamstow, 45. Mersea, Red-hills in, 115, 181. Mollusca, of Epping Forest, Proposed List of, 113, l69, 176 ; of Felstead, 277; Fossil, found in Palaeolithic Sands, List of, 135 ; Land and Fresh- water, and Methods of Preserving them, 169; Modes of Concealment of, 175 ; Number of Species in Bea- contre Hundred, 176; Works on, 174. Mounds near Estuary of the Thames, 210. Mounds, Salting, of Essex, 96, 115, 181. Morden's Map of Essex, 159, 280. Morris, B., Affection of Rabbit for her Young, 187. Nayland (Suffolk), Early British Urns near, 35, 106. Neolithic Celts at Felstead, 62. Newt, Palmated (Molge palmata), in Epping Forest, 8. Newton, E. T., Notes on Bones found in Deneholes, 257. Niedermendig Millstone in Denehole, 259 ; at Roxwell, 82. Norden's Map of Essex, 41. Northey Island, Coleoptera in, 209; Gravel at, 151. Notodonta trepida near Brentwood, 113. Obituary.—Rev. T. Benson, Colonel Russell, E. G. Varenne, 138—142. Officers of Club for 1888, 279. Oldham, C, Chaerocampa porcellus in Epping Forest, 113; Dicyla oo in Epping Forest, 168. Ongar, Large Trout in Cripsey Brook, 149. Oriole, Golden, at Purleigh, 113. Orsett, Sandstone Block at, 8. Osprey at Maldon, Supposed occurrence of, 45. Otters in Essex, 105 ; in Stour and Pods Brook, 280; at Wakes Colne, 91. Paleolithic Man, Bones of, 45 ; in the Valley of the Lea, 36, 83, 125 ; Sup- posed Skull of, from Bury St. Ed- munds, 136. Palaeolithic Implements, 125; Manu- facture of, 87; Sands, List of Animals and Shells found in, 135, 136. Partridges Alighting on Water, 205 ; English and French, and Pheasant, Laying in same Nest, 205. Paulson, R., Inula helenium near Fyfield, 166. Phorodesma smaragdaria in Essex, 110, 204. Pictsbury Ramparts, 79, 82. Pipefish, Great, at Maldon, 114. Pits near Burnham Beeches, 224, 254 ; at Chipping Norton, 265 ; Preserving Grain in, 266; with Roman (?) De- posits, near Roxwell, 82. Plants, Essex, 206 ; Flowering, of Col- chester, 22, 116; Life-histories of, 278. Pottery, Ancient, near Chelmsford, 92. Powell, J. T., Essex Plants, 206 ; Essex Bramble, 206 ; Melilotus arvensis at Walthamstow, 45. Pre-historic Man, Food of, 92. Primaeval Man in the Valley of the Lea, 36, 83, 125. Purleigh, Cinerary Urns at, 279 : Golden Oriole at, 113 ; Well at, 279. Rabbit, Affection of, for her Young, 187. Railway, Deer Hunt on, 280. Ramsden, H., Lobophora viretata in Epping Forest, 113. Ravens, in Essex, 142 ; Plea for the Essex, 182. Raynor (Rev.), G. A., Apamea ophio- gramma at Brentwood, 206. Red-hills in Mersea, 115, 181. Reptilia, Notes on, 112. Roman or Romano-British Remains at Felstead, 207.