INDEX TO VOLUME I. vii Rowe (Rev.), A. W., Neolithic Celts at Felstead, 62 ; Some Essex Boulders, 117. Roxwell, Boulders and Pits at, 82; Well-section at, 150, 280. Rudler, F. W., on London Clay, 279 ; on Fragment of Millstone from a Denehole, 259. Russell, Colonel, Notice of, 139. Saffron Plant, Notes on, and in con- nection with the Town of Saffron Walden, 9. Salting Mounds of Essex, 96, 115, 181. Samphire, Golden, 62. Section at High Beach, 107 ; at Mal- don, 149. Sheldrake (Tadorna cornuta), 196. Shenstone, J. C. Inula crithmoides, 62; Photographs of British Urns, 106 ; Report on Flowering Plants of Colchester, 22, 116; on Salting Mounds, 181. Silene otites in Essex, 62, 95. Smith, Worthington G., Primaeval Man in the Valley of the Lea, 36, 83, 125 ; Sandstone and Conglome- rate Blocks at Orsett and White Notley, 8. Sneeze-wort (Achillea), Gall on, 177. Snipe, Great, near Colchester, 189. Sparganium neglectum in Essex, 40. Spalding, F., Barnacle Goose at Tollesbury, 114; Grasshopper War- bler near Colchester, 176. Sphinx convolvuli at Chingford, 218 ; at Ilford, 205 ; at Maldon, 188. Spurrell, F. C. J., Ensilage, or Pre- serving Grain in Pits, 266; Witham- bury, 19. Stauropus fagi near Brentwood, 176. Stoat's Larder, A, 187. Stone-mites (Petrobia), 166. Stopes, H., The Salting Mounds of Essex, 96. Stour, Otters in the, 280. Subsidence at Lexden (1862), 1,39, 95. Sudbury, Excursion to, 148. Swifts, Late Stay of, 204. Thames, Estuary of, Mounds near, 210. "There were Giants in those Days," 124. Theydon Bois : Enquiry into the Origin of the Word "Bois," 153. Thompson, Prof. S. P., on William Gilbert, 94. Tilbury, Whale at, 205, 279. Tollesbury, Barnacle Goose at, 114. Tonge, A. E., Sphinx convolvuli at Ilford, 205. Tree-frogs in Epping Forest, 159. Trout in Cripsey Brook, Ongar, 149. Urns, Cinerary, at Purleigh, 279. Varenne, E. G., Death of, 142. Varley, F. H., on William Gilbert, 94. Vice-Presidents for 1887, 63. Vole, Bank, in Essex, 196. Wakes Colne, Otters at, 91. Walden, Saffron, in connection with the Saffron Plant, 9. Walker, H., Exhibits Photographs of Lightning Flash, 204. Walsingham's, Lord, Collection of Larvae of Lepidoptera, 107. Walthamstow, Melilotus arvensis at, 45. Warbler, Grasshopper, near Colchester, 176. Well-section at Kelvedon, 189; at Rox- well, 150, 280. Whale at Tilbury, 205, 279. Wharton, H. T., The Uses of Fungi, 190. Whitaker, W., "What is the use of the Essex Field Club?" 180. White, W., Herald Moth in Dene- hole, 203. White Notley, Block of Conglomerate at, 8. Wild Duck in Essex, 150. Williment, R. G., Notodonta trepida near Brentwood, 113; Stauropus fagi near Brentwood. Winstone, B., "Ancient Chapel of St. John, in the town of Epping" (notice of), 17 ; Theydon Bois : An Enquiry into the Origin of the Word "Bois," 153. Wire, A. P., Epping Forest Ponds, 206 ; Essex Alga, 166 ; Stone-mites, 166.