2 PRELIMINARY LIST OF LAND AND FRESH-WATER MOLLUSCA Bythinia tentaculata, L. River Chelmer; very common. B. leachii, Shepp. River Chelmer; frequent. Planorbis nitidus, Mull., and P. albus, Mull. River Chel- mer ; frequent. P. vortex, L. River Chelmer; common. P. carinatus, Mull. In the Stebbing brook chiefly, but rare. P. complanatus, L. River Chelmer; not common. P. contortus, L. River Chelmer; frequent. Physa hypnorum, L. Mill-lands brook ; not common. P. fontinalis, L. Pond Park meadows ; not common. Limnaea peregra, Mull. Ponds and river; very common. L. auricularia, L. Semi-fossil only, and rare in the alluvium of the Chelmer valley. L. stagnalis, L. In ponds only ; common. L. palustris, Mull. Chiefly in Stebbing brook; frequent. L. truncatula, Mull. River Chelmer ; frequent. Ancylus fluviatilis, Mull. Frequently met with in the River Chelmer. Succinea putris, L., and S. elegans, Risso. Chiefly on the margins of brooks ; frequent. Vitrina pellucida, Mull. Common in all the hedgerows. Zonites cellarius, Mull. Hedgerows ; frequent. Z. nitidulus, Drap. All hedgerows ; very common. Z. purus, Alder. Hedgerows, but not common. Z. radiatulus, Ald. Felstead Place wood; not common. Z. nitidus, Mull. Priory road ; not common. Z. crystallinus, Mull. Near Snow's lane ; not common. Helix aspersa, Mull. Common in gardens, but not else- where. H. nemoralis, L., and H. hortensis, Mull. Common in hedgerows. H. arbustorum, L. Near Absol Bridge; very local; semi-fossil only, in alluvium. H. cantiana, Mont. Hedgerows; very common. H. cartusiana, Mull. Hedgerows; frequent. H. rufescens, Penn., and H. hispida, L. Hedgerows; com- mon. H. sericea, Mull. Glandfield's meadows; not common. H. pisana, Mull. Rare in general, but more frequent near the Brook farm.