34 "A REPORT ON THE FLOWERING PLANTS GROWING IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF COLCHESTER." ADDITIONAL NOTES. By J. C. SHENSTONE, F.R.M.S. On glancing through my botanical note-book for 1887, I find a few entries which may interest the readers of the Essex Naturalist, and which may be taken as addenda to my paper published in 1887 (E. N. i. pp. 22 and 116). Cardamine amara, L. It is worthy of record that this plant, usually described as rare, is abundant at Wormingford. I have previously (E. N. i. page 30) reported its occurrence near Colchester. It was overlooked by Gibson's co-workers in this neighbourhood. Hesperis matronalis, L. Found at Mersea by Mr. Docura. I record it, although a naturalized plant, as it was growing in an apparently wild state. Geum rivale, L. This plant is so uncommon in our county that I am very pleased to hear that it has been seen at its Sudbury habitat by Miss M. Gripper in 1887. Rumex maritimus, L. This by no means common plant I saw growing well established near Walton last autumn. The only Essex stations previously recorded are near Purfleet, and it is evident that Gibson's recorders overlooked this locality, as I am told by the Rev. J. D. Gray that he found the plant near Walton several years ago. Sparganium. Wishing to be quite certain as to the true name of the Sparganium growing in the Colne, our plant appearing to differ somewhat from S. ramosum, I collected specimens near Col- chester, and sent them to Mr. W. H. Beeby. He has kindly informed me that my plant is S. ramosum, but not the type, being a form intermediate between that species and S. ramosum B microcarpum, which is frequently mistaken for S. neglectum, Beeby. At present there is no evidence that the typical S. ramosum occurs in this part of Essex. Ophioglossum vulgatum, L. I have already recorded this plant as growing in Gibson's District 8 (E. N. i. page 29). Recently it has been found nearer Colchester in a plantation about half a mile north-east of the town. In conclusion I may say that every year I become more confirmed in the opinion previously expressed that very few plants have recently been exterminated in this neighbourhood, and that many apparently local species are more widely distributed than the published records would indicate.