46 LAND AND FRESH-WATER MOLLUSCA. coast of Sweden in 1865. He also exhibited a blade of delicate and thin white baleen, with a narrow black outer edge, taken from a rare whale (Neobalaena marginata) found in Dampier's Archipelago, N.W. Australia, which affords a marked contrast to the coarse and heavy baleen of Rudolphi's Rorqual. The two photographs of the Tilbury Whale, mentioned above, were also exhibited by the kindness of Dr. Davies.—Ed.] "PRELIMINARY LIST OF THE LAND AND FRESH - WATER MOLLUSCA OCCURRING IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF FELSTEAD, ESSEX." ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. By J. FRENCH. In the above mentioned list, as published by me in the Essex Naturalist for January last (vol. ii., 1-3), the following corrections and additions should be made :— Pisidium fontinale, Drap. River Chelmer; not common. P. fontinale and B. henslowana, Shepp. River Chelmer; not common. P. pusillum, Gmelin. River Chelmer; not common. Neritina fluviatilis, L. Perhaps not locally extinct. Valvata piscinalis, Mull. River Chelmer; common. V. cristata, Mull. River Chelmer; not common. Planorbis nitidus, Mull. This species should be struck out; inserted in error. P. complanatus, L. This should have been described as not common. Limnaea auricularia, L. This is perhaps not locally extinct. Zonites alliarius, Miller, and Z. glaber, Stud. From hedge- rows ; neither species common. Helix arbustorum, L. Probably not locally extinct. H. cartusiana, Mull. This was described as "frequent" in error; it must be regarded as rare, if not locally extinct. The evidence consists of one dead shell only, but it was certainly taken from a hedge-row in this neighbourhood. H. pisana, Mull. This should be struck out of the list.