98 PALAEOLITHIC IMPLEMENTS—LARGE AND HEAVY EXAMPLES. Pit, made of chert, which measure respectively 9 inches X 5 inches and 9 inches X 51/2, and weigh 3 lbs. 10 ozs. and 3 lbs. 8 ozs. An implement from Madras now in the British Museum, Bloomsbury (formerly 894 in my collection) measures 9 inches by 45/8 inches, and Fig. 1.—Palaeolithic Implement from Madras (one-half actual size). weighs 3 lbs. 81/4 ozs.; and I still have an example from Madras (895) which measures 67/8 inches X 51/8 inches, and weighs 3 lbs. 61/2 ozs. I have a rude implement found by myself at Warren Hill, Mildenhall, which weighs 3 lbs. 33/4 ozs. ; another from Warren Hill (formerly 503 in