PALAEOLITHIC IMPLEMENTS—LARGE AND HEAVY EXAMPLES. 99 my collection) weighs 3 lbs. 2 ozs.; whilst one from the beach at Hill Head, Hants (formerly 648 in my collection), also weighs 3 lbs. 2 ozs. The two latter are now in the British Museum, Bloomsbury. The largest and heaviest implements found in the Valley of the Lea are Fig. 2 — Palaeolithic Implement from Madras (one-half actual size). now in the collection of Mr. J. E. Greenhill, of Clapton; the largest is from the Lea Bridge Road, and measures 111/8 inches by 41/2 inches, and weighs 3 lbs. Mr. Greenhill has a second implement from the Heighten Road, Clapton, which measures 8 inches X 41/4 inches, and