100 PALAEOLITHIC IMPLEMENTS—LARGE AND HEAVY EXAMPLES. also weighs 3 lbs. A third implement in Mr. Greenhill's collection, found at Leytonstone, measures 81/4 inches x 43/4 inches, and weighs 2 lbs. 14 ozs. I have given an implement from Madras (formerly 842 in my collection), which weighs 2 lbs. 153/4 ozs., to the British Museum, South Kensington; and I have a similar Indian implement (296) which weighs 2 lbs. 151/4 ozs. One of my examples from the Lea Valley, illustrated in the "Transactions of the Essex Field Club" (vol. iii., p. 133). weighs 2 lbs. 133/4 ozs. I once found an implement at Bedford (formerly 569 in my collection) which weighed 2 lbs. 131/2 ozs. Dr. John Evans now has this. I still have a trimmed flake (i.e., a tool which is plain on one side, having been made from a flake), found by myself in a road at Clapton, and which weighs 2 lbs. 111/4 ozs. Mr. Greenhill has an implement from Stoke Newington Common which weighs 2 lbs. 91/2 ozs.; and I have an implement from Chard (123) which weighs 2 lbs. 73/4 ozs.; one from the same place (455), which weighs 2 lbs. 5 ozs., is now in the collection of Mr. R. P. Greg, and one found by me at Hill Head (1019) weighs the same. 1 formerly had three implements from Madras (879, 898 and 844),. which weighed respectively 2 lbs. 113/4 ozs., 2 lbs. 101/4 ozs., and 2 lbs. 81/4 ozs. The first is now in the collection of Mr. R. P. Greg, Coles Park, Buntingford ; the next is in the British Museum, Bloomsbury; and the third I gave to Dr. John Evans. An example I found at Hanwell (81), and now in the British Museum, Bloomsbury, weighs 2 lbs. 41/2 ozs., and one from Broom (457), now in the collection of Dr. John Evans, weighs the same. One found by myself on Stoke Newington Common (482), now in the collection of Dr. John Evans, weighs 2 lbs. 31/2 ozs. One I found in situ at Lower Clapton (31), now in the British Museum, Bloomsbury, weighs 2 lbs. 31/4 ozs. I still have an example from Madras (900) which weighs 2 lbs. 21/2 ozs., and one from Broom (105) which weighs 2 lbs. 21/4 ozs. Dr. Stephens has found an implement in the Reading gravels which weighs 2 lbs. 31/4 ozs., and Mr. Greenhill has an implement from Lower Clapton which weighs 2 lbs. 11/2 ozs. I once found an implement at Stokes Bay, Gosport (704), given by me to Mr. G. F. Lawrence, which weighed 2 lbs. 11/2 ozs., and two I found at Broom (194 and 65) weighed 2 lbs. 3/4 oz. each; the former is now in the British Museum, Bloomsbury, and the latter is in the collection of Dr. John Evans. I formerly had an implement from the base of a 10-foot grave in the cemetery at Southampton (232) which weighed exactly 2 lbs. This instrument is now in the British Museum, Bloomsbury (1011), to-