189 CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS A LIST OF THE FUNGI OF ESSEX.—DISCOMYCETES. By M. C. COOKE, M.A., LL.D., A.L.S. [The present is the third contribution made by Dr. Cooke towards a complete catalogue of the Fungi of Essex. A list of the Hymeno- mycetes of Epping Forest, corrected up to the end of 1881, was published in the "Transactions," vol. ii., pp. 181—191, by Dr. Cooke, assisted by the late James L. English. (Many species have since been added to this list as the result of the various "Fungus Forays" and other investigations, and it is intended to print a revised list of the Hymenomycetes shortly.) To the Essex Natu- ralist, vol. i., pp. 184-186, Dr. Cooke contributed a "Preliminary List of the Microscopic Fungi of Essex—Ustilaginei and AEcidio- mycetes;" whilst the present list comprises the species of the section of the Ascomycetal Fungi known as the Discomycetes. The list is, of course, very imperfect, but comprises all the Essex forms noted up to the present time. It is to be hoped that our botanical mem- bers will speedily make extensive additions to this division of our County Flora.—Ed.] Discomycetes. Morchella esculenta, L. Cooke, "Mycographia," fig. 3121. 3131. On the ground. Audley End. Helvella crispa, Fr. Cooke, "Mycographia," fig. 159. On the ground. Epping Forest. H. lacunosa, Afz. Cooke, "Mycographia," fig. 160. On the ground. Monk's Wood. H. elastica, Bull. Cooke, "Mycographia," fig. 163. On the ground. Birdbrooke ; Epping Forest. Leotia lubrica, Pers. Cooke, "Mycographia," fig. 171. In damp ground. Epping Forest. Peziza (Acetabula) insolita. Cooke, "Mycographia," fig. 375. On dead leaves. Kelvedon. P. (Otidea) onotica, P. Cooke, "Mycographia," fig. 210. Amongst leaves. Audley End. P. (Cochlearia) aurantia, OEd. Cooke, "Mycographia," fig. 203. On the ground. Epping Forest; Chingford; Chelmsford. P. (Discina) repanda, Wahl. Cooke, "Mycographia," fig. 240. On the ground, etc. Epping Forest. 1 Cooke, M. C, "Mycographia seu Icones Fungorum : Figures of Fungi from all parts of the World;'' vol. i., Discomycetes, 1875-79.—Ed.