Hazeleigh Church, Essex. From a drawing by H. A, Cole, September, 1888. Visit to Maldon and the Blackwater Estuary, Friday and Saturday, September 14th and 15th, 1888. Owing to the happy accident of our President, Mr. Fitch, being this year chosen Mayor of Maldon, the Club was enabled to visit this ancient town under peculiarly favourable circumstances, and the members and friends who were fortunate enough to be present thoroughly enjoyed the first two-days' excursion held since the establishment of the Society. Mr. and Mrs. Fitch took the liveliest interest in all appertaining to the meeting, and to their kindly and thoughtful arrangements its success was mainly due. The Secretaries and one or two other members went down to Maldon a few days before the meeting, to attend to the business details, and to visit the chief places mentioned on the programme. Mr. Fitch had engaged the yacht "Matilda" (belonging to Mr. Sargeant), and trips taken in the neat little craft enabled the conductors to see more of the Blackwater estuary than otherwise would have been possible. A sojourn in the town also allowed time for Mr. H. A. Cole to make a series of sketches, some of which are reproduced in the present number, and which he has kindly presented to the Club. The main body of members reached Maldon on Friday afternoon by the noon train from London, some joining en route or by road during the evening, and many came over from Colchester, Chelmsford, etc., early on Saturday morning. The "head-quarters" were fixed at the "King's Head" Hotel, where the land- lady, Mrs. Revett, did all in her power for the comfort of her visitors; but owing