THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 249 MARINE ALGAE IN THE BLACKWATER ESTUARY (continued):— RHODOPHYCEAE :— Bostrychia scorpioides, J. Ag. Polysiphonia elongata, Harv. Chondria dasyphylla, Ag. Laurencia hybrida, Lenorm. Melobesia membranacea, Lamour. On Zostera leaves. Lithophyllum lenormandi, Rosan. On pebbles. Corallina officinalis, L. Polyides rotundus, Grev. Catenella opuntia, Grev. Gravilaria confervoides, Grev. Chondrus crispus, Stackl. Duncontia filiformis, Grev. RHODOPHYCEAE (continued):— Hildenbrandtia rubra, Harv. Perponella dubyi, Cr. Chlorophyceae :— Ulva lactnea, Le Jal. Enteromorpha intestinalis, Link. Cyanophyceae :— Cladophora laetevirens, Harv. Calothrix pulvinata, Ag. On stakes near the shore, Osey Island. Isatis plana, Thun. On old oyster shells. Searching for Deilephila galii, Osey Island. From a drawing by H. A. Cole. As stated, on previous and subsequent days some members of the party were enabled to land on Osey Island, and explore it in search of specimens. Some of the shells, seaweeds, etc., enumerated were thus obtained. A few species of the land mollusca were collected, the most notable being some fine specimens of the brightly-coloured hedge snail, Helix nemoralis, and a few Helix caperata, var. ornata. While searching for shells on the mud and beach of the island, the following Annelids were noticed. Several species of Sabella and Serpula and Spirorbis communis, adhering to seaweeds; Nephthys margaritacea, and probably more than one species of Nereis, were common under stones, and were conspicuous by their activity. The casts of the common log or lug-worm (Arenicola piscatorum) so dear as bait to the sea fisherman, were noticed abundantly in the mud, but