260 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. is the cause of this difference of degree on the part of the style and stigma in favouring the formation of pollen-tubes. This can only be arrived at after a very extended series of experiments; it is important to ascertain to what extent the comparatively few experiments instituted by Strasburger hold good, as to how many different kinds of pollen will form tubes on foreign stigmas, also to what extent reciprocity holds good. Cut flowers can be used, and the anthers may be cut away so as not to interfere with the experiments, although this is not essential, as Strasburger has shown that both normal and foreign pollen often germinate side by side on the same stigma. It is advisable to use pollen for experimenting that possesses marked microscopic characters, so as to be able to trace its tubes readily when a section of the style is placed under the microscope. In this connection, experiments between wind-fertilized and insect-fertilized plants would suggest themselves as being eligible—the pollen, as a rule, being very dissimilar in the two groups. Finally, Strasburger has shown that the stigma is not absolutely necessary, the pollen germinating quite as readily on the cut surface of the style after the stigma had been removed, as on the stigma itself. Pollen-grains, as a rule, form their tubes within twenty-four hours after being placed on the stigma. To ascertain whether pollen-tubes have been emitted, it is necessary to make longitudinal sections of the stigma and style. With a dilute watery solution of magenta, the pollen-tubes stain deeply, the tissue of the style being only faintly tinged. Views as to the Origin of Multicellular Plants,—In some of the lower forms of life, the cells are naked—not furnished with a cell-wall—as in the fungi known as the Myxogastres during the vegetative period. In others again, as Pleurococcus vulgaris (the green matter on trunks, stones, and almost everything that has been exposed for any length of time to the atmosphere), the protoplasm or vital part of the single cell which constitutes the plant, is enclosed in a protective skin, or cell-wall, of cellulose, secreted by the protoplasm. This cell-wall has usually been considered as the outermost coating of the cell, but it has recently been shown3 that there is present in many species of algae, both fresh-water and marine, a thin layer external to the true cell-wall, agreeing in many respects, chemically and physically, with protoplasm. This layer is generally more or less viscid, especially when the cells are young, and it has been suggested that it has to do in some way with the evolution of multicellular from unicellular plants. This change is effected by degrees. It is known that many normally unicellular fresh-water algae form "colonies"—the unicellular organisms retaining their individuality so far as nutrition and reproduction are concerned, but adhere in colonies, being bound together by a matrix of viscid matter outside their cell-walls. There are various advantages connected with this colony-forming idea, one being that of greater power of resisting desiccation—possibly the greatest of the many difficulties encountered by the pioneers of plants in attempting to emerge from their primitive aquatic mode of life, and take possession by degrees of dry land—and it is perhaps not too much to say that the idea of colony-formation on the part of lowly plants has resulted in the immense variety of vegetable life which to day clothes the earth. In many of the simpler algae, which may be considered the starting point of plant life, the usual mode of reproduction is by fission, or a gradual contraction of the parent cell into two parts, each destined under favourable condi- tions to repeat the same process, and after the external secretion phase had been perfected, the unicellular or multicellular nature of the plant depended to a very great 8 Berthold; Unters. Bot. Inst. Tubingen, ii. (1886), Massee ; Journ. Bot., Sept., 1887.