INDEX TO VOLUME II. Acronycta, resemblances of larvae and imagos in this group, 36. Adder's bite not fatal, 84. Ague, decline of in Essex, S4, 85. Algae, Marine, in Blackwater Estuary, 248-9; Mr. Hope's Collection of, 135. Alluvial and other Recent Deposits at Felstead, 56. Ancient Customs and Worthies of Maldon, 243. Anodonta cygnea, large specimens of from Birch and Epping Forest, 83. Ants emitting formic acid as defence, 83. Apple, the D'Arcy Spice, exhibited, 120. Applecta occulta in Epping Forest, 85. Argent, W. S., Colias edusa at Wood- ford, 170. Argynnis euphrosyne, Aberration of, from Epping Forest, 263. Asparagus, Wild in Osey, 242. Atomaria linearis destructive to Man- gold, 255. Baddow, Little, Honey Buzzard at, 158. Badger, capture of, at Stratford St. Mary, 71 ; Killed by train at They- don Bois, 206. "Barrow-field," near Kelvedon, 124. Basse, Large, in Blackwater Estuary, 19. Bateman, John, on the Tinamu in Essex, 206. Bats flying in day-time, 72. Bean-beetle in Essex, 48. Beaumont, G. F., exhibits Saxon antiquities from near Kelvedon, 124. Becontre Hundred, Mollusca of, 268. Beeleigh Abbey, visit to, 235. Bee-orchis in Essex, 112. Bee's-nest in a jacket pocket, 114. Birch, Mound at, 122. Bird notes, 53. Birds, Essex, in Mr. Hope's collection, 135 ; Rare Essex, 111. Bishop's Stortford, Field Meeting at, 207. Blackbird, a White, 70. Blackwater Estuary, Party becalmed in, 253-4 ; Birds of, 246 ; Large Basse in, 19 ; Fish in, 246 ; Geology of, 251 ; Marine algae in, 248-9; Molluscs, 248; Notes on, 251 ; Seals in, 3, 271 ; Voyage in, 245 ; Zoology of, 247. Blocks of Sandstone near Orsett and Corringham, 19. Boulder near Feering, 86 ; Large, at Manchester, 85 ; near Roxwell, 47. Boulger, G. S., on Attempted exter- mination of Jays in Epping Forest, 73 ; Life and Times of Dr. Derham, 133 ; Review of "Flora of Hertford- shire," 38. Bradley, Dr., at Wanstead, 80. Bradwell Chapel, 251-53. Bramston, Sir John, note on, 243. Branfill, (Col.) B., Ice Crystals during fog, 198. Bright, Edward, of Maldon, 244. Brightlingsea, Plants noticed at, 115. British Museum, Visit to New Insect Galleries, 86. Brittany, Use of Pits for Storage of Grain in, 5. Brown, J., of Stanway, Promised Memoir of, 268. Browne, C, Note on use of pits in Brittany for Storage of Grain, 5. Bruchus rufimanus in Essex, 48- 52. Brunetti, E., Diptera of Epping Forest, 186. Burnham, Large Lobster at, 256; Shell-bank near, 268; Vanessa antiopa at, 83.