vi INDEX TO VOLUME II. Buxton, E. N., On killing Jays in Epping Forest, 87. Buxton, Sir Fowell, Black Tern at Waltham Abbey, 271. Camp, Wallbury, on the Stort, 225; at Maldon, 234. Carex goodenovii at Woodford, 112. Castle Mound, Bishop's Stortford, 222. Catocala nupta with black Underwings, 255. Caves near Nottingham, 52. Chestnut tree, Large, 73. Chlora perfoliata in Essex, 112. Christy, Miller, Bats flying in day- time, 72 ; Golden Oriole in Essex, 72 ; Note on Sir Edwin Landseer, 243 ; Origin of "Sugaring," to whom does the credit rightly belong ? 69 ; On Photographing Large Game, 264; Reported Nesting of Black Redstart in Essex, 256 ; Scops owl and other rare birds in Essex, 111 ; Visit to an Essex Gullery, 193. Christy, Miller, and E. A. Fitch, A Visit to an Essex Gullery, &c., see Fitch. Christy, R. W., Abnormal Deposit of Dew, 101 ; Black Rabbits at Rox- well, 33; Boulder near Roxwell, 47 ; Occurrence of Polecat, Hobby- hawk, and Hoopoe near Roxwell, 37; White Stoat near Roxwell, 20. Clacton, Toper Shark at, 256. Clark, Joseph, on Danewort or Dane's-blood, 39 ; Notes on Mound at Waytemore Castle, 222. Colchester, Antiquities of, 115,120; Flowering plants growing in neigh- bourhood of, 34 ; Hymenoptera of district, 125; Museum, 117; Shen- stone on flora of, 125 ; Visit to, 115. Cole, B. G., Deilephila galii in Essex, 188-242. Cole, W., Blocks of Sandstone near Orsett and at Corringham, 19 ; Oak- hills Inclosure, 262; Palaeolithic implement from Barking Side, 262; Exhibits Stone Implements, 52. Coleoptera, fossil, at Lexden, 69. Colias edusa, 255 ; at Woodford, 170. Collectors, protest against excesses of, 126 (note). Conger eels, Large, off Essex Coast, 6. Cooke, Dr. M. C. Contributions to- wards a list of the Fungi of Essex— Discomycetes, 189; Notes on the larger Fungi of Epping Forest, 258; on study of Microscopical Fungi, 259. Copford Church visited, 123. Corringham, Blocks of Sandstone at, 19. Council, Annual Report of, for 1887, 15. Crane, Common, at Elmsted, 271. Crouch, River, Risso's Grampus in, 72. Crouch, Walter, Bird Notes, 53; Exhibits Blackheaded Gull from Roding Valley, 81; Pallas's Sand- grouse from Barking Side, 63, 136; Saturnia capini, &c, 267; Testa- cella haliotidea from Wanstead. 83 ; Conducts Field Meeting at Wan- stead, 74; On Land and Fresh Water Mollusca in Wanstead and neighbourhood, 268 ; Notes on Ru- dolphi's Rorqual at Tilbury, and in the Humber, 41; in the Medway, 264; Notes on "Sakes" Lane, Woodford, 269; on Snow Crystals, 137. Crustacea in Blackwater Estuary, 247. Cryptogamic and Botanical Meeting, 9th Annual, 257. "Danes" or "Denes," 112. "Dane-wort," or "Dane's-blood," 39. D'Arcy Spice Apple, 120. Death's-head moth at Maldon, 245. Decoys, Wild Fowl, in Essex, 159. Deilephila galii in Essex, 188. "Denes" or "Danes," 112. Derham, Dr., House of, at Upminster, 133 ; Life and Times of, 133 ; as an observer of Rainfall, 262. Dew, Abnormal deposit of, 101. Diptera of Epping Forest, 186. Discomycetal Fungi, List of Essex, 189. Drift Maps, Notes on, with especial reference to those of Essex, 21. Duck, Long-tailed, at Southend, 12. Eagles at Wyvenhoe and Alresford, 20. Earl's Colne, Otters at, 198.