INDEX TO VOLUME II. vii Earthquake, Supposed, in Essex, 57. Echinoderms in Blackwater Estuary, 247. Elephant, Fossil, at Ilford, 53. Elliott, F. W., Yew Sapling and Birds in Epping Forest, 73. Emission of Scent by a Deltoid Moth, 113. Epping Forest—Aberration of Argynnis euphrosyne from, 263; Diptera of, 186 ; Fungi, New, in, 257, 258 ; the Larger Fungi of, 258 ; Goldfinches near, 20 ; Jays, attempted extermina- tion of, in, 73, S3, 87 ; Moths, Rare, from, 267 ; Pre-historic Stone Pestle from, 4 ; Yew Sapling and Birds in, 73. Essex—Bean-beetle in, 48, 52 ; Coast, Large Conger-eels off, 6; Deilephila galii in, 188; Drift Maps, 21 ; Geological Survey Memoirs, 32 ; Golden Oriole in, 72 ; Heronries in, 81, 171 ; Marine Flora and Fauna of, 40; Plants, 73, 271; Pleasant Ride in, 60; Scenery, Photographs of, Exhibited, 266; Sphinx convolvuli in, 186 ; Wild-fowl in, 33 ; Wild- fowl Decoys in, 159. "Essex Emerald Moth," Larva; of, at St. Osyth, 115. Essex Field Club—Annual Meeting, 13 ; Annual Report of Council, 15 ; British Museum, Visit to, 86 ; Ninth Annual Cryptogamic Meeting, 257; Ordinary Meetings, 13, 35, 51, 81, 87, 124, 136, 209, 242, 258, 262, 267 ; Field Meetings:—At Wanstead, 74 ; A Spring Forest Ramble, 87 ; at Colchester, Lexden, Layer Mar- ney, &c., 115 ; at Laindon Hills, 126; at Upminster, 131 ; at the "Grange," Bishop's Stortford and the River Stort District, 207 ; at Maldon and Blackwater Estuary, 229 ; "Tea Fund," 14. "Essex Naturalist," E. A. Fitch on, 35. Essex Shores and Marshes of the Thames, Paper read, 52. Eve, R. H., Late Staying of Martins and Swallows, 270. Extermination of Plants by "Botanists," 47. Falconer's Terms, Glossary of, 217. Falcons, Mr. Mann's, 208. Falconry, Modern, 209. Felstead, Alluvial and other recent deposits at, 56; Land and Fresh Water Mollusca of, I, 46. Fitch, E. A., Atomaria linearis, de- structive to Mangold, 255; large Basse in Blackwater, 12; Black- headed Gulls breeding on Essex Coast, 82 ; on Blackwater Estuary, 251 ; Eagles at Wyvenhoe and Alresford, 20; Essex Field Club, work of, 35; Granary weevils, 51; Essex Heronries, 171; Fossil trees near Laindon Hills, 36; Hybernia leucophearia, variation in, 51; Lon- don Clay fossils from Maldon, 264 ; Maldon, short notes on the history of, 231 ; Merlin and Hoopoe at Maldon, 33 ; Pear-midge in Essex, 52 ; Pied Stoats at Chelmsford, 72 ; Rats eating wild beet, 72 ; Red- legged partridge and Lombardy Poplar, introduction of, 39, 110; Sand-grouse in Essex, 61, 271 ; Seals in Blackwater and Roach rivers, 3, 271; Squirrels killing small birds, 71; a stinging Ichneumon, 227 ; Vanessa antiopa near Burnham, 83 ; Woodcock, 33. Fitch, E. A. and Miller, Christy, A visit to an Essex Gullery, with notes of the birds frequenting the marshes round Tollesbury, 193. Flint implement hunting, Humorous side of, 7 ; Flint implements at Walton-on-Naze and at Lexden, 187. Flood, great, of August 1st and 2nd, 1888, 199. Flora of Osey, 250. Flowering plants in neighbourhood of Colchester, 34; at Brightlingsea, 115. Fossil Coleoptera at Lexden, 69. French, J., Alluvial and other recent deposits at Felstead, 56; Mollusca of Felstead, I, 46 ; Rabbit pursuing weasel, 71. Fungi, of Essex, contributions towards a list of—Discomycetes, 189; of Epping Forest, 257, 258; New species of, from Osey, 251. Game bird, New (the Tinamu), intro- duction of into Essex, with some account of its habits, 37, 102; Dis- cussion on paper, 109.