viii INDEX TO VOLUME II. Geology of Lea Valley, 207; of Laindon Hills, 127 ; Subterranean of S.E. England, 13, 138. Geological Survey, Essex, Memoirs of, 32. Gibbs, John, On compound spike of Plantago, 96. Golden Oriole in Essex, 72. Goldfinches near Epping Forest, 20. Gould, F. C, "New Song of Mal- don," 245-6. Grampus, Risso's, in River Crouch, 72. Grays, Hoopoe at, 72. Greatheed, W., Large Boulder in Manchester, 85 ; Shell-bank near Burnham, 268. Grymes Dyke, Bergholt, visited, 122. Gull, Blackheaded, at Bradwell, 82; breeding in Essex, 82 ; at Woodford Bridge, 53, 81. Gullery in Essex, a visit to, 193. Gun-flints, specimens exhibited, 125. Gurney, J. H., Nest of King-fisher and Meadow Pipit, 192. Hainault Forest, Hypericum androsae- mum formerly in, 53. "Hammer-stones," from Essex, 52. Harlow, Visit to, 227; Story from Thackeray, about, 227. Harting, J. E., Catching Passage Hawks in Holland, 221 ; On intro- duction of a new Game Bird (the Tinamu) into Essex, 102 ; Pallas's Sand-grouse, 136; Wild-fowl Decoys in Essex, 159. Harwood, W. H., Exhibits Aculeate Hymenoptera of Colchester district, 125; on Phorodesma smaragdaria, 125. Hawks and Hawking, Indian, 217. Hawks, Passage, Catching in Holland, 221. Hawthorn, Abnormal flowers of, 242. Hazeleigh, Church, 237; Hazeleigh Hall Wood visited, 238; Fungi, 240 ; Lichens and Mosses of, 238- 9; Plants in, 238-40. Herbert, J.P., R.A., Note on, 243. Heronries, Essex, 171. "Hertfordshire, A Flora of," 38. Heybridge, Antiquities from, Ex- hibited, 241-2. Hobby, Catching a swift, 169 ; near Roxwell, 37. Holmes, E. M., Flora of Osey, Re- marks on, 242 ; List of Lichens and Mosses from Hazeleigh Wood, 238- 9. Holmes, T. V., Caves near Notting- ham, 52 ; Notes on Drift Maps, with especial reference to those of Essex, 21; On work of Essex Field Club, 13 ; Geology of Maldon and Black- water Estuary, 251 ; Subterranean Geology of S.E. England, 13, 138. Honey Buzzard at Little Baddow, 158. Hope, G. P.. Collections of Essex Marine Algae and Birds, 135. Hoopoe at Grays, 72 ; at Maldon, 33 ; at Roxwell, 37 ; at Willingale, 71. Hour-glass stand at Hazeleigh Church, 237. Human face carved on fossil shell of Pentunculus, 82. Human skin nailed on a Church door, 124. Hybernia leucophearia, Range of Varia- tion in, 51. Hypericum androsaemum, formerly in Hainault Forest, 53. Ice-crystals during fog, 198. Ichneumon, a Stinging, 227. Ilford, Fossil Elephant at, 53. Indian Hawks and Hawking, 217. Jays, Attempted Extermination of, in Epping Forest, 73, 83, 87. Kelvedon, Saxon Antiquities near, 124. King-fisher and Meadow Pipit, Nests of, 192. Laindon Hills Church. 129, 130; Fossil Trees near, 36; Geology of, 127; View from, 128. Lake House, Wanstead, 74. Landseer, Sir Edwin, Note on, 243. Lathyrus tuberosus, and other Essex Plants, 271 ; in Sussex, 170.