INDEX TO VOLUME II. Storm, The late, 53. Stort River, 224. Stratford Bakers, 60. Suaeda fruticosa, Fasciated Branches of, 242. Subterranean Geology of S.E. England, 138. "Sugaring," The Origin of, to whom does the credit lightly belong ? 69. Swallow Bowled out at Cricket, 192 ; late, at Maldon, 6; and Martins, late Staying, 270. Swan-mussel, Large Specimens of, 83. Symons, G. J., The Weather : How to Observe it, with Special Reference to Rainfall, 88. Tern, Black, at Waltham Abbey, 271. Testacella haliotidea at Wanstead and Stoke Newington, 83. Thames, Essex Shore and Marshes of the, 52. Theydon Bois, Badger at, 206. Thompson, Capt. C. H., Indian Hawks and Hawking, 217. Tilbury, Rudolphi's Rorqual at, 41. Tinamu, The, in Essex, 37, 102, 206. Tollesbury Marshes, Notes on Birds Frequenting, 193. Treasurer's Accounts for 1887, 54, 5,5. Upminster, Visit to, 131 ; Mineral Spring at, 132. Vanessa antiopa at Burnham, 83 ; at Walthamstow, 72. Vaughan, Howard, Exhibits Abnor- mal Hawthorn Flowers, 242. Wallbury Camp, 225. Walton-on-Naze, Flint Implements at, 187; Fossil Shell with carving of human face from, 82. Wanstead, Visit to, 74; Heronry in Park, 79 ; Mollusca of, 268 ; Testa- cella haliotidea at, 83. Waytemore Castle, 221 ; Mound at, 222. Weather, How to Observe it : With Special Reference to Rainfall, 88. Weevils, Granary, 51. Whale, Rudolphi's Rorqual at Tilbury and in the Humber, 41 ; in River Medway, 264. Whitaker, W., On the Geology of the Laindon Hills, 127, 128. White, W., Acronycta, Resemblance of Species in Group, 36 ; Ants emitting Formic Acid as a Defence, S3 ; Ex- cretory Glands in Larva of Phoro- desma smaragdaria, 116, 263; Exhi- bits Essex Insects, 263 ; Dr. Derham as an observer of rainfall, 262 ; Sup- posed Earthquake in Essex, 37. Wildfowl in Essex, Abundance of, 53. Wildfowl Decoys in Essex, 159. Wilson, Rev. W. L., The Late Storm, 53. Wix, Lesser Spotted-woodpecker at, 33 Woodcock, 33. Woodpecker, Great Black, Hopes of the, 270; Lesser Spotted, at Wix, 33. Wren's Nest in a Dead Crow, 205. Wyvenhoe, Eagle at, 20. Yew Sapling and Birds in Epping Forest, 73. PLATES. I. Frontispiece. The Heronry in Wanstead Park. II. Map of Eastern Division of Essex, showing former and present sites of Wildfowl Decoys. To face page 159.