20 EPPING FOREST RUBI. By J. T. POWELL. The following is a list of Brambles collected in the Forest during the last two seasons (1887-8). It does not pretend to be complete, as I have several single specimens of difficult forms which I hold over until next season, in the hope of getting more material. Also I have scarcely explored at all some of the northern parts of the district. I am much indebted to Mr. J. G. Baker, F.R.S., for kindly naming a good number of my specimens; the rest have passed through the hands of Professor Babington, F.R.S., in his capacity as referee, for this genus, for the Watson Exchange Club. The nomenclature is that of the "London Catalogue," 8th edition, to which the numbers prefixed to the names refer :— 416. Rubus idaeus, Linn. In several places. 422c. R. affinis, c. cordifolius, W. & N. About Woodford and elsewhere. 424. R. lindleianus, Lees. Leyton Flats and Walthamstow. 425. R. rhamnifolius, W. & N. Woodford, Walthamstow, etc. 431. R. pubescens. Sewardstone Green Road. 432. R. rusticanus, Merc. Widely distributed. 433. R. leucostachys, Sm. Tolerably common. 433b. R. leucostachys, b. conspicuus, P. J. Mull. Hawks- wood. 440. R. maassii, Focke. High Beach, Snaresbrook. 441. R. macrophyllus, W. & N. In two or three places. 447. R. rosaceus, W. & N. Snaresbrook, Chingford, etc. 452. R. echinatus, Lindl. Lark's Wood, Hawkwood, etc. 454. R. sertiflorus, P. J. Mull. Buckhurst Hill and High Beach. ("Not certiflorus as in the Lon. Cat." Prof. Babington.) 455. R. radula, Weihe. A small-leaved form. High Beach. 456. R. koehleri, Weihe. Two or three forms. Common. 456e. R. koehleri, e. pallidus, Bab. Leppitt's Hill and elsewhere. 459. R. diversifolius, Lindl. Snaresbrook, Chingford. 463. R. flexuosus, M. & L. Found in small quantity about High Beach, Hawkwood, and Walthamstow. 468. R. hirtus, W. & N. Occurs sparingly in two or three spots between High Beach and Leppitt's Hill. 471. R. corylifolius, Sm. Lark's Wood, Leppitt's Hill, etc. 474. R. coesius, Linn. Buckhurst Hill and Loughton, by the Roding.