SOME ESSEX WELL-SECTIONS. 45 Bocking—"Beech Holme," Bradford Street, Dr. Taylor's, 1887? Communicated by Dr. T. Taylor. 1571/2 feet above the sea-level. Ample supply, but a yellow ferruginous deposit is thrown down from the water after standing. Hardness 10° The divisions of the Tertiary beds above made are somewhat doubtful. Bocking.—Silk-mill. For an account of this well-section, differing considerably in details from that in Geological Survey Memoirs, vol. iv, pp. 430, 431 (1872), see Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1883, pp. 155—157; and, for further record of the water-level, Ibid. for 1886, p. 240, and for 1887, pp. 362, 363. Braintree.—Local Board Well. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1887, pp. 361, 362. A few yards from the trial-bore, noticed in Geological Survey Memoirs, vol. iv, p. 362. The same section, but carried to a depth of 1171/2 feet in the Chalk, according to information from Mr. D. R. Sharpe, of Brain-