46 SOME ESSEX WELL-SECTIONS. tree, the boring having been deepened 1001/2 feet in 1857; he adds that "it is said that this last boring caused a gradual sinking of the water, and that the well at Bocking Silk-mill caused the water to fall at a greater rate." Another well, about 40 feet from the former. 1888. Made and communicated by Messrs. Docwra. Braintree.—Silk Mills. 1886. Communicated by Mr. D. R. Sharpe. 1351/2 feet above Ordnance Datum. Shaft and bore. Water first noticed 242 feet down. When the well was finished the water stood 293/4 feet down. 1,000 gallons an hour pumped, during working hours. Temperature of water, at the surface, about 500.