50 SOME ESSEX WELL-SECTIONS. The absence of gravel in so great a thickness of Glacial Drift is noteworthy. The same is the case in all but the upper part in the Wenden boring, 2. Where the road to Royston branches off from the high road, 125 yards W. of 1 and about 8 feet higher. [? 164 above o.d.]. Water-level 10 feet down. Supply plentiful. The Chalk being uncovered by Drift at no. 2, which is 8 feet higher than no. 1, where Chalk is not reached at 218 feet, it follows that there must be a fall of something more than 226 feet in the surface of the Chalk between the two borings, a distance of 375 feet, or about 5 in 8. How much greater than this the fall is one cannot say. Manuden.— House opposite the Vicarage. 1887. Made and communicated by Mr. G. Ingold. Bored throughout. Water-level 18 feet down. Slow spring. This shows the occurrence of clay beneath the Glacial gravel here, which would not be inferred from the Geological Survey Map (Sheet 47), or else of Eocene clay. Manningtree.—Stour Brewery (Messrs. Alston). 1888. Boring, made and communicated by Messrs. Z. Hills & Co. Water-level 11 feet down. Good supply.