SOME ESSEX WELL-SECTIONS. 51 Messing.—Brewery. Messrs. Thorn and Livermore. Sunk and communicated by Messrs. C. Isler and Son. Water-level, 154 ft. from surface, March, 1889, boring still in progress. Compare the similar section at Wickham Bishops; Trans. Essex Field Club, vol iv, pp. 168, 169. This section was kindly sent by Mr. W. H. Dalton after the rest of the paper was in type, and the classification is by him.1 Newport.—Cuckingslool End. Mr. Shirley's Villas, about 320yds. S.S. W. of the church. About 240 feet above Ordnance Datum. Made and communicated by Mr. G. Ingold, as also the other three. [Drift.] Clay and sand 541/2 feet. Chalk not touched. Newport.—Mr. Shirley's Malting. On the western side of the stream, a little N. W. of the Great Eastern Railway Station. 1885. Less than 200 feet above Ordnance Datum. Shaft 16 feet, the rest bored. Water rises to within of feet of the surface. 1 Mr. Dalton writes, July 8th, 1889:—"I have seen the well-sinkers to-day, and find that the work is finished at 194 feet in the chalk—602 feet total."—Ed.