52 SOME ESSEX WELL-SECTIONS. Newport.—Grammar School. 1887. On or just IV. of the site of "Castle," and about 1,000 feet a little W. of N. from the church. Over 200 feet above Ordnance Datura. A boring, with a pipe, of 4 inches internal diameter, below the old well. Abandoned. Newport.—Shortgrove House. Quendon.—Public Well, by the side of the high road at Quendon Farm, and over a quarter of a mile S.S. W. of the church. 1887. Made and communicated by. Mr. G. Ingold. About 290 feet above Ordnance Datum. Dug throughout. Fast spring. Water stands 3 feet from the bottom. Rickling.—"Brick-kiln Cottage" [?southward of], about a third of a mile W of "The Views" and less than a mile S.S.E. of the Church. A little over 300 ft. above O. D. Well, 86 ft. deep, 3 ft. being in Chalk. The Chalk comes to the surface less than 200 yards N.N.W.