54 SOME ESSEX WELL-SECTIONS. Wenden. Lord Braybrooke's new cottages, on the southern side of the road, a little N. of Audley End Railway Station (Great Eastern). 1886. About 230 feet above Ordnance Datum. (? 228.) Made and communicated by Mr. G. Ingold. Shaft 50 feet, the rest bored. Water rises to 60 feet from the surface. The great depth of the hollow of Drift here is notable. Mr. Ingold informs me that by the railway-embankment at a distance of only 140 yards, northward, the Chalk is found at 3 feet from the surface; so that the fall of the surface of the Chalk is 293 feet in 420; but of this must be added 6 feet for the slight difference in level between the site of the well and the spot by the embankment, making 299, or say 300, in 420, or 5 in 7. Widdington.—"Ringers." Two-thirds of a mile E. of Newport Railway Station. About 315 feet above Ordnance Datum. (From Mr. Ingold). Boulder clay, 45 feet.