61 LIST OF WORKS ON THE GEOLOGY, ETC., OF ESSEX. By WILLIAM WHITAKER, B.A., F.R.S., F.G.S , of the Geological Survey, and W. H. DALTON, F.G.S., late of the same. [Read February 23rd, 1889.] This list is intended to include all works and papers published up to the end of 1888. It is chiefly compiled from that published in the Geological Survey Memoir on the London Basin (1872), and from a long manuscript supplement thereto. Up to the end of 1873 the compilation is the work of Mr. W. Whitaker, who has to thank Mr. T. V. Holmes for much help in transcribing titles, etc.; the remainder of the list is chiefly the work of Mr. W. H. Dalton. It is proposed to continue this list by supplements; and additions etc. will be gladly received by the Authors or by the Editor. CONTENTS: 1. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PUBLICATIONS, (a) Sheets of the Map. (b) Horizontal Sections, (c) Memoirs. 2. BOOKS, PAPERS, ETC., CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. 3. INDEX OF AUTHORS' NAMES. 1. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORKS, (a) Sheets of the Map. (Scale one inch to a mile. Old numeration.) (1) Sheet 1 S.W. (Part: Barking, Romford, Stratford). By W. Whitaker and Prof. W. B. Dawkins, 1868. Drift Edition, 1872. (2) Sheet 1 S.E. (Part: Langdon Hill, Rayleigh, Rochford, Southend). By H. W. Bristow, 1868. Drift Edition, by H. W. Bristow and H. B. Woodward, 1871 [? 1872]. (3) Sheet 1 N.W. (Part: Brentwood, Chipping Ongar, Epping, Waltham Abbey). By W. Whitaker, Prof. W. B. Dawkins, and W. H. Penning, 1868. Drift Edition, by the above, H. B. Woodward and F. J. Bennett, 1871 [? 1872]. (4) Sheet 1 N.E. (Billericay, Chelmsford, Ingatestone, Maldon). By H. W. Bristow and Prof. W. B. Dawkins. Additions by