LIST OF WORKS ON THE GEOLOGY, ETC., OF ESSEX. 63 (16) The Geology of the N.W. Part of Essex.....&c. Pp. vi, 92. By W. Whitaker, W. H. Penning, W. H. Dalton, and F. J. Bennett, 1878. (17) The Geology of the Eastern End of Essex (Walton Naze and Harwich). Pp. 32. By W. Whitaker, 1877. (18) The Geology of the Neighbourhood of Colchester. Pp. vi, 23. By W. H. Dalton (part by W. Whitaker), 1880. (19) The Geology of the Country around Ipswich, Hadleigh, and Felixstow. Pp. vii, 156 [describes part of Essex, along the valley of the Stour]. By W. Whitaker, with Notes by W. H. Dalton, 1885. (20) Guide to the Geology of London and the Neighbourhood. By W. Whitaker, 1875. Ed. 2, 1875. Ed. 3, 1880. Ed. 4, 1884. 2. BOOKS, PAPERS, &c., CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. 1701. (21) Luftkin, J. Part of a Letter concerning some large Bones, lately found in a Gravel-pit near Colchester [Wrabness]. Phil. Trans., vol. xxii, no. 274, p. 924. 1704. (22) Dale, S. A Letter concerning Harwich Cliff, and the Fossil Shells there. Phil. Trans., vol. xxiv, no. 291, p. 1568. 1712. (23) Derham, Rev. W. Observations concerning the Sub- terraneous Trees in Dagenham, and other Marshes bordering upon the River of Thames, in the County of Essex. Phil. Trans., vol. xxvii, no. 335, p. 478. 1721. (24) Perry, Capt. J. An Account of the Stopping of Dagenham Breach. [Note of section in the Marsh, &c., pp. 72, 73]. 8vo, London, and Phil. Trans., vol. iv, p. 219. 1730. (25) Taylor, S., and S. Dale. The History & Antiquities of Harwich & Dovercourt, in the County of Essex. To which is added a large Appendix containing the Natural History of the Sea