LIST OF WORKS ON THE GEOLOGY, ETC., OF ESSEX. 67 (57) Mitchell, Dr. J. Cuttings of the Eastern Counties Rail- way at Stratford. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. iii, p. 520. 1840. (58) Brown J. Notice of a Fluvio-marine Deposit containing Mammalian Remains, occurring in the Parish of Little Clacton, on the Essex Coast. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. iv, p. 197. (59) Clarke, Rev. W. B. On the Geological Structure and Phenomena of the County of Suffolk, and its Physical Relations with Norfolk and Essex. Trans. Geol. Soc, ser. 2, vol. v, p. 359. 1841. (60) Brown, J. A List of the Fossil Shells found in a Fluvio- Marine Deposit at Clacton in Essex. Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. vii, p. 427. (61) Granville, Dr. A. B. The Spas of England..... Vol. iii. Southern Spas. 8vo, London. (62) Owen, [Sir] R. Description of the Remains of six species of Marine Turtles from the London Clay of Sheppey and Harwich. Proc. Geol. Soc, vol. iii, no. 83, p. 570. 1842. (63) Anon. A Brief Account of Hockley Spa, near Southend, Essex. With an Analysis of the Water by R. Phillips. 8vo, London and Chelmsford. (64) Brown, G. [should be J.]. [Geological features of the coast from Harwich to Walton]. Proc Ashmolean Soc Oxon, vol. i, no. xviii, p. 13. (65) Kersten, C. M. Untersuchung zweier Abanderungen hydraulischen Kalksteines aus der Nahe von Colchester (Essex), in England. (Analysis of Septaria from London Clay, Colchester.) Journ. prakt. Chem., bd. xxv, p. 317. 1843. (66) Brown, J. On some Pleistocene Deposits near Copford. Proc Geol. Soc, vol. iv, no. 94, p. 164. (67) Brown, J. Fossil Remains in Essex (Grays). Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. xi, p. 325. 1844. (68) Owen [Sir] R. Report on the British Fossil Mammalia. Rep. Brit. Assoc for 1843, p. 208. F 2