70 LIST OF WORKS ON THE GEOLOGY, ETC., OF ESSEX. 1856. (91) Mylne, R. W. Map of the Geology and Contours of London and its Environs. (Scale 372 inches to a mile). London. (92) Wood, S. V. The Mollusca of the Crag.....Vol. II., Bivalves. No. 3, pp. 217—342, pls. xxi.—xxxi. Palaeontograph. Soc. [? not really published until 1857.] 1857. (93) Brown, J. Note on Elephant Remains from the Gravel, near Ballingdon Hill, Essex. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xx, p. 396. (94) Brown, J. Note on Bovine Remains, lately found at Clacton, Essex. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xx, p. 397. (95) Falconer, Dr. H. On the Species of Mastodon and Elephant occurring in the fossil state in Great Britain. Part 1, Mastodon. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. xiii, p. 307. (96) Jones, Prof. T. R. A Monograph of the Tertiary Ento- mostraca of England. Palaeontograph. Soc. (97) Prestwich, [Prof.] J. The Ground Beneath Us Three Lectures on the Geology of Clapham and the Neighbourhood of London generally. 8vo, London. 1858. (98) Brown, J. Mammalian Remains [Ballingdon]. Geologist, vol. i, p. 439. (99) Despard, R. C. Description of the Improvements on the Second Division of the River Lea Navigation. (Note of the Section at Old Ford, p. 387). Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., vol. xvii, p. 386. (100) Mylne, R. W. Geological Map of London and its Environs. Scale 1'43 inches to a mile. (A 2nd Ed. of the Map of 1851; Ed. 3 appeared in 1871.) (101) Owen [Sir] R. Description of a small Lophiodont Mam- mal, (Pliolophus vulpiceps) from the London Clay, near Harwich. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. xiv, p. 54. (102) Prestwich, [Prof.] J. On a boring through the Chalk at Harwich. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. xiv, p. 249. (103) Prestwich, [Prof.] J. Geological Map of the Estuary of the Thames. For the Referees of the Main Drainage of the