LIST OF WORKS ON THE GEOLOGY, ETC., OF ESSEX. 73 (128) Prestwich, Prof. J. Part of the South-eastern and of the Central Eastern Sheets of the "Greenough Map." Geol. Soc. (129) Rutley, F. [On Mr. Fisher's Paper "On a Sudden Sink- ing at Lexden."] Geol. Mag., vol. ii, p. 231. (130) Wood, S. V., Junior. A Map of the Upper Tertiaries in the Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex .... (with Sections and Remarks in 8vo). Privately printed. 1866. (131) Fisher, Rev. O. On the Warp (of Mr. Trimmer)—its Age and probable Connexion with the Last Geological Events. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. xxii, pp. 553—565. (132) Wood, S. V., Junior. On the Structure of the Thames Valley and its contained Deposits. Geol. Mag., vol, in, pp. 57, 99. (133) Wood, S. V., Junior. On the Structure of the Valleys of the Blackwater and the Crouch, and of the East Essex Gravel, and on the Relation of this Gravel to the Denudation of the Weald. Geol. Mag., vol. iii, pp. 348, 398. (134) First Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Best Means of Preventing the Pollution of Rivers. (River Thames.) With a Geological Map of the Thames Basin. Fol. London (Blue Book.) 1867. (135) Dawkins, Prof. W. B. On the Age of the Lower Brick-earths of the Thames Valley. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. xxiii, pp. 91 — 109. (135A) Dawkins, Prof. W. B. On the British Fossil Oxen. Ibid., pp. 176—184. (136) Dawkins, Prof. W. B. On the Dentition of Rhi- noceros leptorhinus. Ibid., pp. 213—227, pl. x. (137) Dawkins, Prof. W. B. The Boulder Clay of the Thames Valley. Geol. Mag., vol. iv, p. 430. (138) Dawkins, Prof. W. B. The Age of the Thames Valley Deposits. Ibid., p. 564. (139) Fisher, Rev. O. On the Ages of the "Trail" and "Warps." Ibid., p. 193. (140) Maw, G. On the relative Ages of the Coast Boulder-clay