LIST OF WORKS ON THE GEOLOGY, ETC., OF ESSEX. 77 (177) Johnson, M. H. Excursion to Grays, Essex. Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. ii, no. 6, p. 245. (177A) Palin, Rev. W. More about Stifford. 8vo, London. (178) Wood, S. V. Supplement to the Crag Mollusca, com- prising Testacea from the Upper Tertiaries of the East of England. Part I. Univalves. With an Introductory Outline of the Geology of the same District, and Map, by S. V. Wood, Jun., and F. W. Harmer. Palaeontograph. Soc. (179) Wood, S. V., Jun. On the Climate of the Post-Glacial Period. Geol. Mag., vol. ix, p. 153. 1873. (180) Rees, O. Note on Specimens of Ptychodus latissimus from the Chalk of Grays, Essex. Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. iii, No. 3, p. 117. (181) Topley, W., & J. B. Jordan. Geological Model of the Southeast of England (4 miles to an inch horizontal, 2,400 feet to an inch vertical). London. (182) Walker, H. The Saturday Half Holiday Guide. Sum- mer Edition (pp. 34—38, Geological Resorts and Localities around London). 8vo, London. 1874. (183) Brothers, A. [On a Well at Southend.] Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, vol. xiii, no. 9, p. 91. [Section described, in 1872, in Geol. Survey Mem., vol. iv.] (184) Davidson, T. Monograph of the British Fossil Brachio- poda, vol. iv, pt. i. Supplement to the Recent, Tertiary, and Cre- taceous sp. Palaeont. Soc, vol. xxvii. (185) Davies, W. Catalogue of the Pleistocene Vertebrata from the neighbourhood of Ilford, Essex, in the Collection of Sir Antonio Brady. [Notes by Sir A. Brady, Dr. H. Woodward, and Prof. W. H. Flower.] Pp. xxvii, 75 ; plate. 4to, London, privately printed. (186) Geikie, Prof. J. The Great Ice-age, and its Relation to the Antiquity of Man. 8vo, London. Ed. 2 in 1877. (187) Harmer, F. W. The result of the Geological Survey of the Eastern Counties by Mr. S. V. Wood, Jun., and himself. (Norwich Geol. Soc.) Eastern Daily Press, April 11. (188) Prestwich [Prof.] J. On the Geological Conditions