LIST OF WORKS ON THE GEOLOGY, ETC., OF ESSEX. 79 (199) Clinch, G. On the Post-Glacial Deposits of the Thames Valley. Sci. Goss., no. 154, p. 224. (200) Corder, H. An Ancient Flint Implement. Nat. Hist. Journ., vol. i, no. 6, pp. 97, 98; no. 7, p. 120. (201) Judd, Prof. J. W. Deep Weil-Borings in London. Nature, vol. xvi, pp. 2, 3. [Loughton.] (202) Stopes, H. Artesian Well made at C. Stopes and Sons, Eagle Brewery, Colchester. Privately printed. Vertical scale 8 feet to an inch. (203) Wood, S. V., Jun. American Surface Geology and its Relation to British. With Some Remarks on the Glacial Conditions in Britain, especially in Reference to the Great Ice Age" of Mr. James Geikie. Geol. Mag., dec. ii, vol. ix, p. 536. [Refers to Essex, p. 542, &c.] (204) Wood, S. V., Jun., and F. W. Harmer. Observa- tions on the Later Tertiary Geology of East Anglia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. xxxiii, pp. 74—121. [Essex pp. 109—116.] 1878. (205) Corder, H. Notes on a Freshwater Deposit at Chignal St. James, near Chelmsford. Proc. Norwich Geol. Soc, pt. i, p. 31. (206) Dawkins, Prof. W. B. The British Pleistocene Mammalia. Part A. A preliminary treatise on the Relation of the Pleistocene Mammalia to those now living in Europe. Palaeont. Soc. (207) Gibson, J. Well Boring at Saffron Walden. Extract of a letter.....about 1830. Proc. Norwich Geol. Soc, pt. i, pp. 28—30. (208) Jordan, J. B. Stanford's Library Map of London. Geologically coloured. Scale 6 inches to a mile. Folio Atlas. 24 sheets. London. (209) Lucas, J. Hydrogeological Survey. Part II. Explana- tion accompanying..... Sheet 2. Pp. 7. 4to, London. (210) Hydrogeological Survey. Scale, 11/2 inches to a mile. Sheet 2. (211) Wigner, G. W. The Water Supply of Sea-Side Watering- Places. An examination into the Character of the Water Supply at the Watering-Places of England and Wales.....8vo, London. Also in a shorter form under the the title of "Sea-Side Water, An Examination . . . ." 8vo, London.