LIST OF WORKS ON THE GEOLOGY, ETC., OF ESSEX. 81 (223) Walker, H. Excursion to Grays. Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. vii, no. 2, pp. 148, 149; Trans. Essex Field Club, vol. ii, pp. xiii—xix. (224) Wood, S. V., Jun. Further Remarks on the Origin of the Valley System of the South-eastern half of England, prompted by the Result of a Boring near Witham in Essex. Geol. Mag., dec. ii, vol. viii, pp. 502—504. 1882. (224A) De Rance, C. E. The Water Supply of England and Wales; its Geology, Underground Circulation, Surface Distribution, and Statistics. Pp. x, 623. 8vo, London. (225) Harrison, W. J. Geology of the Counties of England . . . . (Essex pp. 86—91). 8vo, London. 1883. (225A) Anon. [W. Cole]. Reports on Visits to Deneholes in Hangman's Wood. Trans. Essex Field Club, vol iii, pp. xxviii—xli, lvi- (225B) Croft, R. B. On the River Lea below Hertford. Trans. Hertf. Nat. Hist. Soc, vol ii, pl. 7, p. 243. (225c) Holmes, T. V. On Deneholes. Trans. Essex Field Club, vol. iii, pp. 48—58, pls. i, ii. (226) Owen, Sir R. Description of Parts of a Human Skeleton from a Pleistocene (Palaeolithic) Bed, Tilbury, Essex. Proc. Roy. Soc, vol. xxxvi, p. 136. (227) Smith, W. G. Primaeval Man in the Valley of the Lea. Trans. Essex Field Club, vol. iii, pp. 102—147. (227.4.) Stopes, H. Traces of Man in the Crag. Rep. Brit. Assoc for 1881, p. 700. (228) Wire, A. P. Note on the Woolwich Beds at Leyton, Essex. Proc. Essex Field Club, vol. iii, pp. iii, iv, lxxx, lxxxi. (229) Woodward, Dr. H. The Ancient Fauna of Essex. Ibid., pp. 1—29. 1884. (230) Bell, R. G. Land Shells in the Crag. Geol. Mag., dec. iii, vol. i, p. 262. (231) De Rance, C. E. Ninth Report of the Committee. . . . . investigating the Circulation of Underground Waters in the Permeable Formations of England. (Essex, pp. 155—157). Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1883, p. 147.