126 NOTES ON THE LEPIDOPTERA OF LEIGH, ESSEX, A. adippe and A. paphia. Eastwood; not common. I have often seen adippe in the cottage gardens near the wood at Hadleigh. A. lathonia. Southend; rare. Five specimens were recorded as having been captured here in 1868 (see "Entomologist," iv, 160) Vanessa polychloros. Common in some seasons. V. urticae, V. io, V. atalanta and V. cardui. All common. Melanargia galatea. Common along the coast and on the slopes near Hadleigh Castle. Pararge egeria and P. megaera. Common; the former at Eastwood. Epinephele janira and E. tithonus. Common. E. hyperanthus. Common at Eastwood. We did not observe any of the spotless form. Coenonympha pamphilus. Common. Thecla rubi and T. quercus. Common at Eastwood. Polyommatus phlaeas. Common all over the district. Lycaena astrarche. Hadleigh Castle. One specimen only in 1860. L. icarus. Common. L. corydon. I captured a male on the slopes between Leigh and Southend some years ago. It was probably a railway excursionist from Purfleet. L. argiolus. Common at Eastwood. Formerly abundant in the shrubbery at Southend. Nemeobius lucina. Eastwood; not common. Syrichthus malvae Common at Eastwood in the waste places. Hesperia thaumus and H. sylvanus. Common. Heterocera. Acherontia atropos. Scarce. I have one specimen which was given to a friend by a Leigh shrimper, who said he had "drudged" it from the bottom of the sea. It had evidently sheltered over night in the trawl net, and had not been observed until the net was hauled. Another shrimper gave me an example of the mole-cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris), found under similar circumstances. Sphinx convolvuli. Southend. My brother, G. E. Vaughan, captured one at rest on a post in 1860. S. ligustri. Common. Deilephila galii. Mr. H. Nicholls informed me, many years ago, that the larvae had been taken at Southend.