AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD. 127 Chaerocampa porcellus. Eastwood; on the heath; one specimen only. Smerinthus ocellatus. Scarce. S. populi. Larvae and imagos. S. tiliae. Leigh village; one specimen taken by Mr. Webb. Macroglossa stellatarum. Common at Leigh and Southend. M. fuciformis. Eastwood; one specimen taken by Mr. Pryer. Sesia culiciformis. Eastwood; not rare. S. ichneumoniformis. Common on the slopes at Leigh. S. chrysidiformis. Between Leigh and Southend. Dr. Batter- shell Gill has favoured me with the following extract from the late P. Bouchard's diary:—"June 23rd, 1851. A fine chrysidiformis between Leigh and Southend." Dr. Gill informs me that Bouchard took several others at various times, one of them on July 3rd, 1859. Zygaena filipendulae. Common. Hylophila prasinana. Eastwood, and in the lanes. The larvae are very common in autumn. Nola cucullatella. Not common. N. strigula and N. confusalis. Eastwood ; rare. At rest on the trunks of trees—head downwards, of course. Nudaria senex. Railway ditch; not common. Calligenia miniata. Eastwood and lanes. Lithosia mesomella. Heathy places at Eastwood. L. griseola. Sometimes common in the lanes. L. lurideola. Common. L. complana. Eastwood, on heathy places; rare. Euchelia jacobaeae. Common in the imago state. Larvae sometimes abundant on ragwort. Nemeophila russula. Eastwood, on heathy places. Arctia caia. Common. A. villica. Generally distributed, but the imago not common. The larvae are sometimes frequent on the slopes. Spilosoma mendica. Generally distributed, but not common. I have taken it in Southend shrubbery. S. lubricipeda and S. menthastri. Common everywhere. Hepialus humuli, H. Sylvanus and H. lupulinus. Com- mon. H. velleda. One in the old shrubbery at Southend in 1860. H. hectus. Common at Eastwood. Cossus ligniperda. Leigh ; scarce.