128 NOTES ON THE LEPIDOPTERA OF LEIGH, ESSEX, Zeuzera pyrina. Leigh ; scarce. Heterogenea limacodes. Eastwood. The males are some- times common. Porthesia chrysorrhoea and P. similis. Abundant. In some seasons the sloe and whitethorn bushes are defoliated by the larvae of the latter. Leucoma salicis. Leigh; not common. Dasychira fascelina. Lanes towards Eastwood; in larval stage; rare. D. pudibunda. Eastwood, &c.; common. Orgyia antiqua. Common. Eriogaster lanestris. "Nests" of larvae common in the lanes. Bombyx neustria. Common. B. castrensis. Salt marshes. Abundant in some seasons, par- ticularly in 1872 and 1874. The larvae appear to be polyphagous. In confinement I found chrysanthemum the best food plant. It is not necessary to sprinkle the plant with salted water. B. rubi and B. quercus. Common, both in imago and larval states. Odonestis potatoria. Common. Lasiocampa quercifolia. On the slopes amongst sloe, but rare. Saturnia pavonia. Larvae common in some seasons. Drepana falcataria. Eastwood ; rare. Cilix spinula. Common, and sometimes abundant in the hedges. Dicranura vinula. Scarce. Lophopteryx camelina. Eastwood and in the lanes. Phalera bucephala. Common everywhere. Clostera pigra. Lanes towards Eastwood. Larvae on osier in the hedges. Thyatira derasa. Eastwood; one only. Cymatophora duplaris. Eastwood. Common, flying amongst birch in the evening. Asphalia diluta. Common at Eastwood, and in the lanes at "sugar." Noctuae. Bryophila perla. Leigh; not common, but probably only wanted looking for Demas coryli. Eastwood; rare, by beating bushes in day-time. Acronycta psi. Common.