130 NOTES ON THE LEPIDOPTERA OF LEIGH, ESSEX, Miana strigilis, M. fasciuncula, and M. literosa. Leigh; common. M. bicoloria. Abundant and very variable. Grammesia trigrammica. Leigh; common. We did not observe any of the varieties. Caradrina morpheus, C. taraxaci, and C. quadripunctata. Leigh ; common. Rusina tenebrosa. Eastwood; at "sugar;" not common. Agrotis vestigialis. On the coast near the Crow-stone; one specimen only. A. puta. Railway ditch, at "sugar" ; not common. A. suffusa. Southend shrubbery, at ivy bloom. A. segetum and A. exclamationis. Abundant. A. corticea. Leigh; rare. A. nigricans, A. tritici and A. aquilina. Railway ditch and Slopes at "sugar." The aquilina above mentioned maybe only the well-known large examples supposed to be a form of tritici. A. porphyrea. Railway ditch ; one at "sugar." This capture surprised us. The nearest heath I am aware of is Leigh Heath, at Eastwood, about two miles off. A. obscura. Eastwood. At "sugar," in the lanes, but not common. Noctua augur, N. plecta, N. c-nigrum, N. triangulum, N. rubi, and N. Xanthographa. More or less common every- where ; the last very abundant. Triphaena ianthina, T. interjecta, T. comes and T. pro- nuba. Common ; the two former at "sugar" at the Railway ditch. Amphipyra pyramidea and A. tragopogonis. At "sugar" in the lanes. Mania typica and M. maura. Common. Taeniocampa miniosa and T. pulverulenta. Eastwood, in larval stage. One year the former was very abundant. Orthosia lota. Lanes towards Eastwood. Anchocelis rufina, A. pistacina and A. litura. Leigh, Eastwood, and Southend. Cerastis vacinii. Abundant. C. spadicea. Eastwood; scarce. Xanthia fulvago. Leigh and Eastwood. X. aurago. Slopes ; and lanes towards Eastwood ; two specimens only.