AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD. 131 X. circellaris. Southend, Leigh, and Eastwood; common at "sugar," and at Southend at ivy bloom. Calymnia trapezina, C. diffinis and C. affinis. Leigh; common at "sugar" in the lanes. Eremobia ochroleuca. Slopes ; chiefly at rest on flowers of Centaurea nigra. I have occasionally swept up the larvae. Hecatera chrysozona. Leigh; rare. Two or three specimens only in 1860, flying over garden flowers at dusk. Miselia oxyacanthae. Common at "sugar" in lanes at East- wood. Agriopis aprilina. Lanes towards Eastwood at "sugar." Euplexia lucipara and Phlogophora meticulosa. Com- mon throughout the district at "sugar." Aplecta advena. Leigh; scarce at garden flowers. Hadena adusta and H. protea. Lanes towards Eastwood at "sugar;" not common. H. dentina. Leigh, at "sugar," and at rest on trunks of trees. H. dissimilis. Saltmarsh; flying at dusk. H. pisi. Southend, Leigh, and Eastwood; common in larval stage. H. thalassina. At "sugar;" Railway ditch. H. genistae. Lanes towards Eastwood. At rest on trunks of trees. Gonoptera libatrix. Leigh; not common. Habrostola tripartita. Leigh; rare, flying along hedges. Plusia chrysitis and P. gamma. Common. Heliaca tenebrata. Lanes and meadows; not common. Erastria fasciana and Phytometra viridaria. Eastwood; common in open heathy places. Euclidia mi and E. glyphica. Slopes, and also on Slopes at Southend. Catocala nupta. Leigh and Eastwood; at "sugar." Toxocampa pastinum. Slopes. A few specimens only. From the great abundance of vetches, this species, if properly looked after, should occur in considerable numbers. Rivula sericealis. Eastwood; not common. Zanclognatha grisealis and Z. tarsipennalis. Eastwood; common. Herminia cribralis. Railway ditch ; not common.