132 NOTES ON THE LEPIDOPTERA OF LEIGH, ESSEX, H. derivalis. Eastwood. Mr. Pryer took two specimens in 1870. Pechypogon barbalis. Eastwood ; common. Hypena proboscidalis. Common everywhere amongst nettles. H. rostralis. Leigh. Geometrae. Uropteryx sambucaria. Leigh village ; common. Epione apiciaria and E. advenaria. Eastwood; rare. Rumia luteolata. Common everywhere. Venilia macularia. Eastwood, and lanes; common. Angerona prunaria. Eastwood and lanes. Formerly abundant along the road between Leigh Elm and the turnpike on the Had- leigh road. Metrocampa margaritaria. Leigh and Southend. Selenia bilunaria. Eastwood, and lanes ; common. Crocallis elinguaria. Eastwood. Phigalia pedaria. Eastwood ; in larval stage. Boarmia repandata and B. gemmaria. Eastwood and lanes. Pseudoterpna pruinata. Eastwood and Slopes. Geometra papilionaria. Eastwood; rare. G. smaragdaria. Dr. Gill has favoured me with the following extract from Peter Bouchard's diary:—"June 20th, 1857. A fine female smaragdaria. I think it ought to be got earlier, near Leigh." Iodis lactearia. Eastwood and lanes; common. Hemithea strigata. Eastwood and lanes. Ephyra porata and E. punctaria. Eastwood and lanes ; com- mon. E. omicronaria. Lanes near Eastwood. Mr. Webb. Asthena luteata. Lanes near Eastwood. A. candidata. Eastwood and lanes ; abundant. Acidalia dimidiata and A. bisetata. A. trigeminata. Eastwood; scarce. A. dilutaria. Slopes. A. virgularia. Leigh. A. subsericeata. Slopes; common. A. ornata. Slopes. Mr. Webb took a specimen on 19th August, 1873. Probably an excursionist, like L. corydon. A. immutaria. Saltmarsh and inland side of River-wall, Railway ditch and Potteries ; common.