134 NOTES ON THE LEPIDOPTERA OF LEIGH, ESSEX, E. plumbeolata. Eastwood; scarce. E. castigata, E. subnotata, E. vulgata and E. absyn- thiata. More or less common. E. subciliata. Slopes; amongst maple; rare. E. exiguata and E. pumilata. Lanes near Eastwood. Lobophora sexalisata. Lanes near Eastwood ; rare. Melanthia ocellata. Slopes and lanes; common. M. albicillata. Eastwood; rare. Melanippe hastata. Eastwood. Mr. Pryer took two speci- mens. M. unangulata. Slopes at Hadleigh. Mr. Webb. M. rivata. Lanes ; abundant. M. sociata, M. montanata and M. fluctuata. Common. Anticlea rubidata. Lanes near Eastwood. A. badiata. Southend. Coremia ferrugata and C. unidentaria. Common. Camptogramma bilineata. Abundant in hedges. C. fluviata. Railway ditch ; rare. Cidaria picata. Lanes near Eastwood. In 1860 this species was abundant in the hedges in the road between Leigh Elm and Hadleigh, but since then the hedges have been cut down, and this species, with many others, has disappeared. C. corylata and C. truncata. Eastwood and lanes. C. fulvata and C. pyraliata. Common in hedges. Pelurga comitata. On rough ground between Leigh and Southend. Eubolia cervinaria. Leigh; one at "light." E. limitata. Abundant everywhere near the coast, and in some places inland. E. plumbaria. Eastwood; common on heathy places. E. bipunctaria. Slopes; common. Pyralides. Cledeobia angustalis. River-wall. Aglossa cuprealis. Mr. C. A. Briggs captured one specimen in Leigh village. Pyralis costalis and P. glaucinalis. Lanes near Leigh at "sugar." P. farinalis. Leigh village. Scoparia ambigualis. Common on Slopes, &c.